Publié le 15 Novembre 2013
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L'appel des 100 relayé par le Quotidien du médecin :
The French version was published today in Le Parisien (la version française est disponible ici):
Initiated and coordinated by Dr. Philippe Presles
As physicians and health professionals we see patients severely affected by tobacco smoking daily, many of which will die or be disabled despite our daily care. This is the most serious problem of public health in the world. However, we see further expand the use of electronic cigarettes that clearly help many smokers to turn the page of tobacco. But misconceptions have emerged that limit their diffusion, while its potential in terms of public health is real.
It is therefore appropriate to say that :
This is the combustion of tobacco that is harmful to health of smokers, not nicotine. It is well established that nicotine replacement therapy is not harmful to health of smokers who want to quit. The same is true for the nicotine in e-cigarettes;
The main toxins produced by the combustion of tobacco, present in the smoke, are the carbon monoxide or CO, responsible for myocardial infarction and stroke, carcinogens from tar, and fine particles resulting in chronic obstructive bronchitis. The dangers of electronic cigarettes are considerably much lower than those of tobacco, since their vapor contains no CO, no tar, and no fine solid particles;
The characteristics of the electronic cigarettes should always be compared to those of the conventional cigarette, and if doubts and debates on the perfect long-term safety of some of its components persist, they must be opposed to the absolute certainty of harmfulness of tobacco;
Electronic cigarettes can be recommended to all smokers who want to quit smoking, and can be used in combination with patches or with other smoking cessation therapies, if its use is not sufficient to maintain abstinence. E-cigarettes are less addictive than conventional cigarettes, and thus helps to a rapid or gradual tobacco smoking cessation.
We therefore recommend to our colleagues to actively learn about electronic cigarettes, which are a new public health issue in our common fight against tobacco-related diseases. The report and expert opinion on the e-cigarettes from The French Office for Tobacco Prevention (OFT, May 2013 ) is in this respect a remarkable synthesis :
We recommend that research to improve e-cigarettes and e-liquids continue actively, so as to satisfy a growing number of smokers and effectively assist them in smoking cessation. To this end, we support the position of the French authorities not to make e-cigarettes as a medicine, and so to leave the opportunity for research to all potentially concerned industry, to improve safety and efficacy of these products.
Signatories :
Addiction :
- Dr Eve Gelsi, gastro-entérologie, CHRU de Nice
- Pr Pascal Perney, CHU de Nîmes
Allergology :
- Dr Etienne Bidat, Hôpital Ambroise-Paré
- Dr Pierrick Hordé, Boulogne-Billancourt
Andrology :
- Dr Pierre Desvaux, urologie, sexologie, Hôpital Cochin
Anaesthesia-resuscitation :
- Dr William Murphy, Hôpital européen Georges-Pompidou
Biology :
- Dr Carole Emile, CHI Le Raincy-Montfermeil
Cancerology :
- Dr Thierry Dorval, Institut Curie
- Dr Marc Espié, sénologie, Hôpital Saint-Louis
Cardiology :
- Dr Alain Cornen, Réanimation cardiaque, Hôpital privé Clairval
- Pr Martin Juneau, Institut Cardiologique de Montréal
- Dr Pascal Lim, Hôpital Henri-Mondor
Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery :
- Pr Alain Pavie, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière
Dental Surgery :
- Dr Paul Cattanéo, Paris
- Dr Jean-Philippe Roset, Strasbourg
Digestive and Oncological Surgery :
- Pr Jean-Marc Chevallier, Hôpital européen Georges-Pompidou
- Pr Yves Panis, Hôpital Beaujon
Maxillofacial Surgery :
- Pr Pierre Bouletreau, Centre hospitalier Lyon-Sud
Orthopedic Surgery :
- Pr Thomas Bauer, Hôpital Ambroise-Paré
- Pr Philippe Hardy, Hôpital Amboise-Paré
- Pr Rémy Nizard, Hôpital Lariboisière
Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery, Hand Surgery
- Pr Christian Dumontier, CHRU de Nice
Thoracic and Vascular Surgery :
- Pr Emmanuel Martinod, Hôpital Avicenne
Vascular and Endocrine Surgery :
- Pr Eric Allaire, Hôpital Henri-Mondor
- Pr Jean-Pierre Becquemin, Hôpital Henri-Mondor
- Pr Pascal Desgranges, Hôpital Henri-Mondor
Dermatology :
- Dr Philippe Evenou, Paris
Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases :
- Dr Saïd Bekka, diabétologie, CH de Chartes
- Dr Arnaud Cocaul, nutrition, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière
- Dr Jean-Michel Lecerf, nutrition, Institut Pasteur et CHRU de Lille
Geriatry :
- Pr Claude Jeandel, CHU de Montpellier
Gynaecology :
- Dr Joëlle Bensimhon, Hôpital Cochin
- Dr David Elia, Genesis, Paris
- Pr René Frydman, expert reproduction, hôpital Foch de Suresnes
- Dr Christian Jamin, endocrinologie, Paris
- Dr Michèle Lachowsky, psychosomatique, Paris
- Dr Joseph Monsonego, Eurogyn, Paris
- Dr Michèle Pierobon, Paris
Hepatic Gastric Enterology :
- Dr Charles Hagège, Paris
- Pr Patrick Marcellin, hépatologie, Hôpital Beaujon
General Physicians :
- Dr Michel Brack, Paris
- Dr Luc Buhannic, Laboratoire Doliage, Surennes
- Dr Antoine Chollier, Boulogne-Billancourt
- Dr Franck Gigon, La Varenne Saint-Hilaire
- Dr Catherine de Goursac, Paris
- Dr Didier Jourdan, Vieillevigne
- Dr Michel Murino, CIO kantarhealth, Paris
- Dr Alain Rivière, Monfort-en-Chalosse
- Dr Nathalie Szapiro-Manoukian, Trévoux-Tréguignec
Physical Medicine and Re-adaptation :
- Dr Marie-Sandrine Mann-Batard, UGECAM Clémenceau, Strasbourg
Sport Medicine :
- Dr Daniel Gloaguen, Tregunc
- Dr Roland Krzentowsky, rééducation et réadaptation fonctionnelle, Paris
Vascular Medicine :
- Dr Philippe Blanchemaison, Paris
- Dr Christian Gardon-Mollard, Chamalières
- Dr Jean-Pierre Laroche, CHU de Montpellier
- Dr Gilles Miserey, Rambouillet
Neurology :
- Pr Hugues Chabriat, Hôpital de Lariboisière
- Pr Jean-Louis Mas, Hôpital Sainte-Anne
- Dr Caroline Papeix, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière
- Dr Didier Rougemont, Paris
- Pr Emmanuel Touzé, CHU de Caen
Ophthalmology :
- Dr Salomon-Yves Cohen, Hôpital de Lariboisière
- Dr Sandrine Galleri, Istres
- Dr Jean-Paul Lumbroso, Chirurgie réfractive, Paris
- Pr Eric Souïed, Centre hospitalier intercommunal de Créteil
- Dr Xavier Subirana, Paris
- Dr Ronan Tanguy, Lyon
Ears Nose and Throat :
- Dr Michel Hanau, chirurgie cervico-faciale, cancérologie, Groupe Santé Victor Pauchet, Amiens
- Dr Jean-Michel Klein, Président du syndicat national des ORL
- Dr Patrick Sachot, chirurgie cervico-faciale, Clermont-l'Hérault
- Dr Robert Vincent, Chirurgie cervico-faciale, cophochirurgie, Clinique du Dr Jean Causse, Colombiers
Pharmacy :
- Dr Françoise Murjas, Marseille
Exercise Physiology :
- Dr Thibaut Guiraud, Clinique Saint-Orens, Toulouse
Chest Physicians :
- Dr Catherine Daniel, cancérologie, Institut Curie
- Dr Alain Livartowski, cancérologie, Institut Curie
- Dr Gérard Mathern, tabacologie, Saint-Chamond
- Pr Charles-Hugo Marquette, cancérologie, soins intensifs respiratoires, CHRU de Nice
- Dr Hervé Pegliasco, cancérologie, allergologie, Hôpital européen de Marseille
- Dr Jean-Baptiste Stern, Institut Mutualiste Montsouris
Psychiatry :
- Dr Paul Bensussan, expert agréé à la cours de cassation, Versailles
- Dr Nicolas Duchesne, Montpellier
- Dr Yann Hodé, Centre hospitalier de Rouffach
- Dr Pascal Josse, CSAPA et CHU de Nancy
- Pr Christophe Lançon, addictologie, Hôpitaux-Sud Marseille
- Dr Hervé Montes, Orléans
Radiology :
- Dr Thierry Buhé, Saint-Brieuc
- Dr Francis Tobolsky, Paris
Rheumatology :
- Pr Maxime Breban, Hôpital Ambroise-Paré
Public Health :
- Dr Edouard Bidou, Paris
- Pr Jean-François Etter, Institut de médecine sociale et préventive de Genève
- Pr Antoine Flahault, Université Paris Descartes
Sexology :
- Dr Pascal de Sutter, Université de Louvain
Tobaccology (smoking cessation) :
- Dr Gilbert Lagrue, pionnier de la tabacologie à Henri-Mondor
- Dr Béatrice Le Maître, CHU de Caen
- Dr Jacques Le Houezec, Rennes
- Dr Philippe Presles, Institut Moncey
Trauma Emergency :
- Dr Françoise Benhamou, Hôpital Ambroise-Paré
Urology :
- Pr François Haab, Hôpital Tenon
- Pr Gilles Karsenty, Hôpital de la Conception, Marseille
- Pr Arnaud Méjean, Hôpital européen Georges-Pompidou
- Pr Alexandre de la Taille, Hôpital Henri-Mondor
- Pr Olivier Traxer, Hôpital Tenon